Thursday, 29 May 2014

Sadly agree

I love the Game of Thrones Series

Drake ain't got nothin on Hot Pie

Much Skillz xD

Wrong Lysa, Wrong

This is just incredibly hilarious. Although I doubt Syrio Forel would approve that answer xD

This is so wrong xD

I've seen many weird and horrendous things in life. However this, this is not right haha XD

Poor Jorah Mormont

Being a King is usually a great achievement. In Jorah's case it's not as much, in fact it's the complete opposite.

Don't be shy

So yeah, dont be shy to comment, Whats your fave character. Mine would probably have to be Tyrion Lannister.


This is quite ingenious, I can see this 'Who wants to be a millionaire' theme meme become the new thing. I think Hodor has the best job.